2-5years toddlers & pre-school buttercups & Daisy’s 

Our 2-4’s are in a mixed environment they have access to many areas of learn relating to the EYFS the area’s are set up to offer children plenty of opportunities to play both independently and socially, adults enhance the children’s area depending on current interest and enable children to be challenged.
All our children have their own key person who shall encourage and support their development and progress, parents are offered a Home visit prior to their child attending our nursery enabling the child to become familiar with their key person, every child will be given a bluebell nursery teddy which will be used as part of our transitioning to and from nursery.

A check on child’s progress shall be made with parents between 24-36 months were parents and keyperson shall celebrate the wonderful progression their child is making and look at what else we can do to support the child further.

Parents shall have opportunity to attend parents evenings and book an appointment as necessary for up dates on their child, parents shall receive information about their child through online journals which parents are encouraged to participate in.

Children shall learn through carefully planed activities which are fun and stimulating, all children will go outside for fresh air and natural light.

My nursery day:

8am welcome to nursery

8:30 breakfast
Toilet reminders

9am outside play all children until

9:30am free-flow in and out option depending on weather.

10am snack time/ drinks
Toilet reminders

10:20am free- flow inside

11:40am key person time special time with the child’s key person to support learning.

12pm circle time music and movement
Toilet reminders

12:30pm lunch

1pm home/ arrivals/ quiet time

1:30pm outside play
Toilet reminders

3pm snack time

3:30pm key person

4pm free play
Toilet reminders

5pm tea

5:30pm circle time music and movement

5:45pm home time story

6pm home time